We really are blessed with a wonderful life.
We have priveledges in our lives that so many in this world do not have.
A couple of days after Christmas Cara, Hannah, Mike and I
headed to Hurricaine, Utah where Tracey and Brent live.
It was 35 degrees but beautiful there. Here are a few pix.
Here are two of my favorite people in the whole world.
I can always count on having a good time when we're together.
Here's Ellie's new husband Dave; he is a great guy and Ellie
is an extremely happy woman.
I am looking forward to spending fun times together with them.
I didn't get any pix of Ellie or Dave playing the wii Mario Kart
but Becky and Don were a riot to watch.
I think they secretly hoped Hannah would ask them if they wanted to play.
It must have been very hard work to keep those little karts on the track.
It was great fun for me though - thanks Ellie, Dave, Becky and Don for coming
down and spending time with us over the holidays.
Happy New Year!