Monday, February 9, 2009

Geometry - In 4th Grade!

Okay everyone - get your MATH on!
It's time for your 4th grade geometry test.
Hannah came home a couple of weeks ago
with the assignment to find these various
geometric figures and take pictures of them.
Now you would think after putting 4 kids through
school I would know this stuff....but I don't!
So it turned into an adventure for both of us and to
my amazement I may have learned something too....
I'm going to give you the names of the eight geometric figures
pictured below; it's your job to place them on the correct picture.
Have fun!
Parallel lines - equilateral triangle - parallelogram - right angle
intersecting lines - perpendicular lines - obtuse angle - scalene triangle
How do you think you did?
Do you think you got them all correct?
How do you know I'm not quizzing you just to get the answers for my own benefit!?
I'll be anxious to hear from all of you.


Natalie said...

1. parellel lines
2 equilateral triangle
3. parallelogram
4. right angle
5. obtuse angle
6. scalene triangle
7. perpendicular lines
8. intersecting lines


I wish I could hid my idenity. I always said I needed to go back to school... This will be proof!!

Shelley said...

Congrats Nat! You have 4 correct answers. I'll give you an "A" unless I have other answers that are more correct than yours.

Kellie said...

Parallel lines - 1
equilateral triangle - 2
parallelogram - 3
right angle- 6
intersecting lines - 8
perpendicular lines - 4
obtuse angle - 5
scalene triangle- 7



Shelley said...

Congratulations got THREE correct! If you want you can blame it on being pregnant.
So far your mom has scored highest.

sandy k. smith said...

Let me show you ladies how it's done:

1.right angle
2.equilateral triangle
3. perpendicular lines
4. parallel lines
5. obtuse angle
6. scalene triangle
7. parallelogram
8. intersecting lines

Shelley said...

WAY TO GO SANDY!!! You are the winner of the 4th grade geometry quiz. You are as smart as a 4th grader ;0)

sandy k. smith said...
